
Mailan Doquang is an architectural historian turned thriller writer with a passion for storytelling. Her debut novel is BLOOD RUBIES.

BLOOD RUBIES is anchored by Rune Sarasin, a half-American, half-Thai jewel thief whose dual background challenges conventional labels. Many of Rune’s experiences navigating her racial and cultural identities mirror Mailan’s. Rune also zips back and forth from Bangkok to New York, Mailan’s two favorite cities (along with Paris and Montreal). 

Mailan received her Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She has published extensively on the art and architecture of medieval France, in addition to teaching at some of the top universities in North America. 

Mailan is a Canadian transplant and a longtime resident of New York City. She is an avid traveler, photographer, and runner. When she’s not writing or eating dumplings, you can find her looking for owls in Central Park.